Data and B-4
In 2379, Shinzon of Remus, the clone of Legendary Starfleet Captain Jean-Luc Picard attempted the destruction of all life on Earth. He was successfully thwarted by the crew of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 E, and specifically by Lieutenant Commander Data, who gave his life to defeat the tyrant.
The Reman Scimitar and The USS Enterprise
In 2384, during a raid on the Daystrom Annex of Galor IV, B-4 and a handful of other androids were stolen from the lab. After the incident, the USS Enterprise-E was sent to investigate, locking down the planet in the process. Unfortunately for the Federation, the raiding team had already left with the stolen androids. Unbeknownst to the Enterprise at the time, Noonien Soong had been on the planet and was subsequently picked up on facial recognition sensors in the city nearest the Daystrom Annex. Upon learning of this fact, several away teams from the Enterprise were mobilized to intercept the "Soong-type Android", but he managed to evade all of them. Upon reaching his ship in orbit, Soong lead the Enterprise to an abandoned factory full of inactive androids, one which was being reactivated by the Breen in an attempt to manufacture their own Soong-type androids. B-4 had been captured for this select purpose, the Breen wanted to study B-4 in an attempt to copy this into the androids made at the factory. After a short fight, an away team from Enterprise managed to recapture B-4 and the remaining androids, before being beamed back to the ship. This however, was after Noonien Soong managed to fix B-4's degrading mind and "resurrect" Data. This was achieved by removing the memories from B-4 and transferring them into a new android body, specifically the one Soong had made for himself. Thus, Data's memories were removed from B-4, allowing his mind to stabilize and having received an upgrade to his firmware at the same time. After the incident, B-4 requested to be taken back to the Galor IV Annex to assist Commander Bruce Maddox in his continued research of Soong-type androids.
Within two years, Data had returned to Starfleet and when Jean-Luc Picard was asked to take up the position of Ambassador to Vulcan, Data became Captain of the USS Enterprise.
The Destruction of Romulus
In 2387, the Hobus star went supernova, destroying Romulus and prompting the Nero Incursion.
Romulus' End
The Romulan Star Empire would be shaken to the core by the Hobus supernova, the total annihilation of both Romulus and Remus causing the Empire to splinter into two dueling factions: The "old regime" of fear and deception set up by Empress Sela on Rator III while the survivors of Spock's unification movement, sought to establish a new, more open society for the Romulan people. It would be free of the isolationism and xenophobia that had dictated Romulan policy for centuries. To that end, a new government, christened the Romulan Republic, was established, with its home on New Romulus (formerly Dewa III).
The Borg Invasion of 2381 was the historic attempt by the Borg Collective to completely exterminate the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, and other allied worlds in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants and to subjugate the remaining worlds in local space. It ended with much of the Collective being dismantled and subsequently absorbed into the gestalt of the advanced race the Caeliar, while large portions of newly assimilated Borg were freed from the collective and saw their Borg implants replaced with highly advanced Caeliar technology.
The invasion left dozens of worlds in the area of the Azure Nebula in utter ruin, decimating much of known space. As a result of the invasion, upwards of 40% of the Federation Starfleet was destroyed, and over 63 billion citizens of the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Star Empire, the Imperial Romulan State, and non-aligned worlds were killed.
Another notable loss was Federation Fleet Admiral Kathryn Janeway, believed dead at the hands of the Borg. In truth, Janeway's consciousness had been preserved by the Female Q. Janeway was "resurrected" in September of that same year with the help of Q (Junior), who returned her to the USS Achilles which was in the Delta Quadrant as part of Project Full Circle.
The Yndara Five Scandal
Late in the 24th century, the United Federation of Planets was very nearly torn apart by the scandal attached to the planet Yndara Five.
-Journal of Davian Corcorane, reporter for the Federation News Service-
It was in early May of 2398 when an Andorian smuggler, Dalira Th’Mel by name, approached me in regards to a story involving the Federation President. We at the FNS are used to such rumours of gossip. However, it’s a reporter’s life that dictates that we still follow up these tidbits…just in case.
So it was that I found myself on Deep Space Five, waiting for this rogue to make contact with me. I was sitting in the station’s replimat, nursing a particularly unappealing cup of Tarkennan ox stew when the rather short Andorian finally arrived. He was roughly dressed, and appeared to have not slept in several days. I gestured for him to sit and he did so, slouching tiredly onto the uncomfortable bench across from me. He removed a small flask from an inside pocket and took a deep swig. I raised an eyebrow questioningly. He seemed irked at the gesture, and turned sideways slightly and spat. I couldn’t suppress a small grin. The trickster in me always seemed to come out around Andorians and my being half-Vulcan certainly didn’t seem to help with his irritation.
“Did you bring the stuff?” He asked gruffly. I nodded slightly. “Well?” he insisted, his voice low but obviously very tense. Perhaps he hadn’t slept in days. I reached into the small carryall sitting next to me on the rough metal floor and withdrew a pouch. I held it out, but only so he could see it…not so that he could get his fingers around it.
“200 strips of gold pressed latinum: As we agreed…” I shook the bag slightly and raised an eyebrow again. “…if your information is actually valuable.” He eyed the bag with an intense greed and wetted his lips. Inside it occurred to me, that his behavior was more that of a Ferengi than an Andorian.
“Of course.” He said in an oily voice. “I promise you, my information will be positively priceless.” His hands gripped the edge of the table, obviously trying not to grab for the pouch that I held. “In fact,” he said with a sigh while prying his fingers from the table. “If I were not so terribly desperate, I would hold out for a great deal more.”
I laid the small bag on the table right in front of me and took another small bite of the truly atrocious stew; I then looked up at Th’Mel.
“Why exactly are you settling for so little…” The eyebrow came up again. “…if it is so terribly valuable?” Another bite and I stirred the concoction while staring into his silver-blue eyes. “Have you perhaps fallen afoul of some planet’s security forces?” He shifted on his seat, however that could’ve been due to the fact that the benches seemed to have been designed by a particularly vicious sadist.
“Something like that.” He stated noncommittally. I chuckled slightly.
“So,” I said wryly. “You’ve finally found somewhere that doesn’t appreciate your knack for finding good deals on stuff like ketrecel-white and Romulan ale.” I looked at him rather smugly. “It’s about time they finally caught on to your little tricks.”
“Actually,” he said just as smugly. “I don’t deal in that sort of rubbish anymore.” I looked at him incredulously. “It’s antiquities these days.”
“Antiquities?!” I scoffed.
“Certainly.” He said, all wounded pride and ruffled feathers. “I’m a reputable dealer in the stuff. Got a job-lot of the stuff right now that I’m trying to shift.” He leaned a bit closer and I could smell the Romulan ale on his breath, I leant back in my chair.
“What I got right now came from Cardassia.” He grinned broadly. “There’s a lot of antiquities floating around after their big smash up during the Dominion War and then that mess with the Borg a few years back.” He glanced back down at the money bag wistfully. “A smart operator could make hisself a fortune on all the good stuff floating around out there now.” I cleared my throat, but didn’t launch into the tirade I wanted to about Federation Antiquity and Preservation laws and how he was surely breaking every single one in the books. After all, breaking the law was daily fare for creatures like him.
“All very interesting I’m sure.” I said blandly. “None of this explains why you brought me out here.” I ran a finger over the pouch, taunting him. “What exactly is this information that you’re looking to sell?” He leaned in even closer and began to speak in a low, conspiratorial whisper.
After close to an hour of merely listening, I finally interrupted him.
“You have proof of what you say? I mean, you can actually prove these claims that you’re making?!” He grimaced, and nodded. My mind was positively reeling. If everything he said was true…if HALF of what he said was true…
I couldn’t complete the thought. This could spell the end of the Federation itself. I had to get back to Earth. I had to speak to my editor. After all, Dell Joryn had connections in the Federation, and in Starfleet. But if what Th’Mel had said was true, perhaps the Federation was the last place to go for help. This would require some thinking over.
“How much for all of the information you have?” I demanded. “And I want every scrap of proof that you've gathered. I want to know beyond ANY doubt that you’re telling me the truth!” He nodded slowly.
“It’s the truth.” He shook his head slightly. “The Ancestors know I wish it weren’t.”
-Journal of Davian Corcorane, reporter for the Federation News Service-
When I arrived on Earth, Joryn and I sat down and went through every scrap of evidence we’d been presented with. Based on everything that we saw in front of us, there was only one conclusion: It was all true. Every stinking rotten detail was accurate.
After debating the rightness and complexities of what we were about to do, both Joryn and I decided that the story simply had to be published. The truth HAD to be known.
Federation News Bulletin - June 15th, 2398 – Morning Edition
We at the FNS have recently come into possession of some rather disturbing information. The editors and directors of this organization have determined that through our commitment to honest reporting and reporting without fear or favor, this information must be publicized. We do wish to extend to the more sensitive readers in our audience this warning: Be forewarned that the following article contains very grievous subject matters and graphic descriptions of incidents. We also would like it to be noted that the following is based on an extensive collection of evidence presented to one of our most able reporters.
-Journal of Davian Corcorane, reporter for the Federation News Service-
What followed was an almost verbatim recording of every scrap of information provided to us, by Th’Mel.
It seems that during the strongest reign of the Orion Syndicate (sometime in the mid- 2130s), a group of planets were set up as retreats for the Lords of Orion. These planets were sometimes very distant from each other and were all rumoured to be un-inhabited. They were known as the Sanctuary Worlds.
On these planets, the Lords of Orion were treated almost as gods. There was nothing denied them. There were armies of slaves, ready to obey ANY whim: No matter how depraved or ludicrous. There were substances that were even outlawed in Orion culture, ready to be consumed and indulged in. There were hunting parties arranged, most often using sentient species as the quarry. Whole shiploads of slaves were deposited on the Sanctuary Worlds, on an almost daily basis: Many of them not surviving more than a month; and none of them ever leaving.
In time, as the power of the Syndicate began to wane, these worlds became havens for the members of the Orion Syndicate and for other criminal organizations. They were safe ports, free from the rule of law imposed by the Federation. Where any average pirate or criminal could live the life of absolute luxury and TOTAL power.
It would not be long, before the powerful leaders of the Alpha and Beta quadrants began to hear whispers of these fabled worlds from their friends and acquaintances. Why surely, the policy makers and leaders of these free worlds must yearn for other illicit pleasures. Whether they were cultural taboos, or truly illegal acts, the Sanctuary Worlds came to specialize in them. There was NOTHING that could not be found on one of the many, varied and diverse Sanctuary Worlds.
Thus the snare was laid. The elite and powerful of almost every planet in the Federation and scores without, fell under the thrall of the Sanctuary Worlds. Soon, the Worlds had new supporters. Gone were the Lords of Orion, and the pirates who founded these refuges for vices of all sorts. Their new patrons were the leaders of the free worlds of the Galaxy; especially the leading and guiding voices in the Federation.
After debating the rightness and complexities of what we were about to do, both Joryn and I decided that the story simply had to be published. The truth HAD to be known.
Federation News Bulletin - June 15th, 2398 – Morning Edition
We at the FNS have recently come into possession of some rather disturbing information. The editors and directors of this organization have determined that through our commitment to honest reporting and reporting without fear or favor, this information must be publicized. We do wish to extend to the more sensitive readers in our audience this warning: Be forewarned that the following article contains very grievous subject matters and graphic descriptions of incidents. We also would like it to be noted that the following is based on an extensive collection of evidence presented to one of our most able reporters.
-Journal of Davian Corcorane, reporter for the Federation News Service-
What followed was an almost verbatim recording of every scrap of information provided to us, by Th’Mel.
It seems that during the strongest reign of the Orion Syndicate (sometime in the mid- 2130s), a group of planets were set up as retreats for the Lords of Orion. These planets were sometimes very distant from each other and were all rumoured to be un-inhabited. They were known as the Sanctuary Worlds.
On these planets, the Lords of Orion were treated almost as gods. There was nothing denied them. There were armies of slaves, ready to obey ANY whim: No matter how depraved or ludicrous. There were substances that were even outlawed in Orion culture, ready to be consumed and indulged in. There were hunting parties arranged, most often using sentient species as the quarry. Whole shiploads of slaves were deposited on the Sanctuary Worlds, on an almost daily basis: Many of them not surviving more than a month; and none of them ever leaving.
In time, as the power of the Syndicate began to wane, these worlds became havens for the members of the Orion Syndicate and for other criminal organizations. They were safe ports, free from the rule of law imposed by the Federation. Where any average pirate or criminal could live the life of absolute luxury and TOTAL power.
It would not be long, before the powerful leaders of the Alpha and Beta quadrants began to hear whispers of these fabled worlds from their friends and acquaintances. Why surely, the policy makers and leaders of these free worlds must yearn for other illicit pleasures. Whether they were cultural taboos, or truly illegal acts, the Sanctuary Worlds came to specialize in them. There was NOTHING that could not be found on one of the many, varied and diverse Sanctuary Worlds.
Thus the snare was laid. The elite and powerful of almost every planet in the Federation and scores without, fell under the thrall of the Sanctuary Worlds. Soon, the Worlds had new supporters. Gone were the Lords of Orion, and the pirates who founded these refuges for vices of all sorts. Their new patrons were the leaders of the free worlds of the Galaxy; especially the leading and guiding voices in the Federation.
According to information provided by Th’Mel, every U.F.P. President going back for over a hundred years (with the two exceptions of Hikaru Sulu and Naniette Bacco), had not only been aware of the Sanctuary Worlds, but had been an active supporter of their existence.
Joining with them were the leaders of over 220 other worlds, as well as countless Celebrities, Diplomats, VIPs and military leaders…even among Starfleet.
As Joryn and I pored through the information it almost became a race, not to see who was ON the list, but who WASN’T. It seemed that only a very, very few notable names didn’t appear on the rosters of supporters. Among those not present, were quite a few of Starfleet’s best and brightest.
In fact, it seemed that the Starfleet personnel who frequented the Sanctuary Worlds were sorely lacking in one way or another. However, many of those who were so lacking still made it into positions of high authority amongst the Fleet…usually due to political influence from another Patron.
It was most disheartening; the entire business.
-Journal of Davian Corcorane, reporter for the Federation News Service-
Joining with them were the leaders of over 220 other worlds, as well as countless Celebrities, Diplomats, VIPs and military leaders…even among Starfleet.
As Joryn and I pored through the information it almost became a race, not to see who was ON the list, but who WASN’T. It seemed that only a very, very few notable names didn’t appear on the rosters of supporters. Among those not present, were quite a few of Starfleet’s best and brightest.
In fact, it seemed that the Starfleet personnel who frequented the Sanctuary Worlds were sorely lacking in one way or another. However, many of those who were so lacking still made it into positions of high authority amongst the Fleet…usually due to political influence from another Patron.
It was most disheartening; the entire business.
-Journal of Davian Corcorane, reporter for the Federation News Service-
The day after the revelations were made public, I sat at home in Paris. Just waiting for the call to come that the mobs were besieging the Federation Headquarters, or alternatively that the Federation had sent out a security detail for my arrest.
Neither came.
Instead, at around 13:00, I received a call from Joryn saying that she needed to see me in her office right away. I could tell from the way her voice was quivering that something was desperately wrong.
I made my way over to her office, only two blocks away from my flat, and she greeted me at the door literally shaking with rage. The small framed, middle-aged Bajoran woman was a sight to behold when she was raging as she was now. I always became reminded of a spitting cobra when she was like this. After I calmed her down a bit, she finally explained what had happened.
It seems, that the first action taken by President Aennik Okeg was to deny everything; which frustratingly seemed to please everyone on the Federation Council. Yet that was more than likely due to their being tied to Sanctuary Worlds as tightly as the Saurian president was. There had been almost no outcry from the populace, and everyone seemed to accept that it was unfounded gossip.
Both Joryn and I agreed that this simply couldn’t stand. And so we decided to get one of her contacts in Starfleet to help us.
After satisfying ourselves that his name was in NO way tied to the Sanctuary Worlds, we contacted Mackenzie Calhoun.
-Journal of Davian Corcorane, reporter for the Federation News Service-
Neither came.
Instead, at around 13:00, I received a call from Joryn saying that she needed to see me in her office right away. I could tell from the way her voice was quivering that something was desperately wrong.
I made my way over to her office, only two blocks away from my flat, and she greeted me at the door literally shaking with rage. The small framed, middle-aged Bajoran woman was a sight to behold when she was raging as she was now. I always became reminded of a spitting cobra when she was like this. After I calmed her down a bit, she finally explained what had happened.
It seems, that the first action taken by President Aennik Okeg was to deny everything; which frustratingly seemed to please everyone on the Federation Council. Yet that was more than likely due to their being tied to Sanctuary Worlds as tightly as the Saurian president was. There had been almost no outcry from the populace, and everyone seemed to accept that it was unfounded gossip.
Both Joryn and I agreed that this simply couldn’t stand. And so we decided to get one of her contacts in Starfleet to help us.
After satisfying ourselves that his name was in NO way tied to the Sanctuary Worlds, we contacted Mackenzie Calhoun.
-Journal of Davian Corcorane, reporter for the Federation News Service-
The Captain of the USS Excalibur had first met Joryn when she was working in the Bajoran Militia. They had a brief, but passionate affair. And remained very close friends even after moving on to pursue other relationships.
When Joryn contacted him, he and the Excalibur were on route to Starbase 133, right on the Klingon border. It seemed as if fate had intervened, as Starbase 133 was in the same sector as one of the Sanctuary Worlds.
Captain Calhoun agreed readily to assist us in proving the veracity of our claims. He touched base at Starbase 133 and then set off for Yndara V.
USS Excalibur – Captain’s Log, Stardate 73420.57
Four days ago, I received an urgent message from Federation News Service Editor-In-Chief, Dell Joryn in regards to a criminal state of affairs within the highest ranks of the Federation. After reading through the unassailable evidence of her claims, I agreed to put off the USS Excalibur’s trip to the Raionna system; in order to make an investigation of one of the nearby planets, Yndara V.
I have attached the reports compiled by Joryn, as well as the findings we have made to this Log Posting, which is being submitted to Starfleet Command, the Federation High Council and to every major News Agency in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.
When the Excalibur arrived in orbit, two days ago, we sent a decrypted hail that contained an introductory message down to the planet below. This message was included in the reports compiled by the FNS, and was designed to bring new members to the Sanctuary Worlds. Though Yndara V is listed as an uninhabited planet and no life signs could be picked up by our ship’s sensors, we received a reply within moments.
A soft, melodious female voice began speaking, though there was no visual component to the message:
“Welcome weary travelers to the Sanctuary Worlds. Here you may forget all of your troubles and cares. For on the Sanctuary Worlds, you have truly found your haven!”
A visual then appeared on the screen. There was a smiling, almost too beautiful man and woman standing in a large well lit chamber, with carved marble walls behind them and a lot of greenery around. They both were very nearly naked, and seemed to accentuate the sensuality of their bodies by every movement and gesture. The man spoke first:
“Greetings Starfleet vessel. You are most welcome to this Sanctuary World. By the introductory code that you have submitted, you have been recommended by His Excellency, Chancellor Martok of Qo’noS. If you seek the kind of diversions that many Klingons prefer, we will be more than happy to provide them for you.” The female then continued:
“Oh yes, the more brutal and destructive the better, according to most of our Klingon Patrons.” She laughed a soft tinkling giggle that caused my skin to crawl.
“In fact,” she said rather breathlessly. “If you’re in the mood now, we’ll be having some slaves drawn and quartered this very hour.” I forced a smile onto my face, and said that that would suit me nicely. I then went on:
“There are some of my crew who are not desirous of bloodsports. What else does this Sanctuary World offer?” The man stood there smiling dumbly as the woman answered laughingly:
“Well, we do tend to specialize in the rougher side of things here on Yndara, but there are a host of other diversions to capture the mind and spirit. Your crew should beam down at once, and embrace the beauty of Yndara, the World of Glory in Pain and Suffering.” There was a sickening animal gleam in her eyes and I realized that this was not a mere woman staring back at me, this was a predator.
-Journal of Davian Corcorane, reporter for the Federation News Service-
When Captain Calhoun submitted his findings along with our own, to the Federation High Council, Starfleet Command and just about every News Agency within the Federation and without, the fallout I had initially anticipated finally came.
It began with the Rigellian Ambassador to Earth, calling a press conference with the FNS and his own planet’s news media, to admit his wrongdoing and beg forgiveness for supporting the Sanctuary Worlds. That very morning, all but thirteen Federation Member delegations left Earth, as quietly and quickly as they could.
When Joryn contacted him, he and the Excalibur were on route to Starbase 133, right on the Klingon border. It seemed as if fate had intervened, as Starbase 133 was in the same sector as one of the Sanctuary Worlds.
Captain Calhoun agreed readily to assist us in proving the veracity of our claims. He touched base at Starbase 133 and then set off for Yndara V.
USS Excalibur – Captain’s Log, Stardate 73420.57
Four days ago, I received an urgent message from Federation News Service Editor-In-Chief, Dell Joryn in regards to a criminal state of affairs within the highest ranks of the Federation. After reading through the unassailable evidence of her claims, I agreed to put off the USS Excalibur’s trip to the Raionna system; in order to make an investigation of one of the nearby planets, Yndara V.
I have attached the reports compiled by Joryn, as well as the findings we have made to this Log Posting, which is being submitted to Starfleet Command, the Federation High Council and to every major News Agency in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.
When the Excalibur arrived in orbit, two days ago, we sent a decrypted hail that contained an introductory message down to the planet below. This message was included in the reports compiled by the FNS, and was designed to bring new members to the Sanctuary Worlds. Though Yndara V is listed as an uninhabited planet and no life signs could be picked up by our ship’s sensors, we received a reply within moments.
A soft, melodious female voice began speaking, though there was no visual component to the message:
“Welcome weary travelers to the Sanctuary Worlds. Here you may forget all of your troubles and cares. For on the Sanctuary Worlds, you have truly found your haven!”
A visual then appeared on the screen. There was a smiling, almost too beautiful man and woman standing in a large well lit chamber, with carved marble walls behind them and a lot of greenery around. They both were very nearly naked, and seemed to accentuate the sensuality of their bodies by every movement and gesture. The man spoke first:
“Greetings Starfleet vessel. You are most welcome to this Sanctuary World. By the introductory code that you have submitted, you have been recommended by His Excellency, Chancellor Martok of Qo’noS. If you seek the kind of diversions that many Klingons prefer, we will be more than happy to provide them for you.” The female then continued:
“Oh yes, the more brutal and destructive the better, according to most of our Klingon Patrons.” She laughed a soft tinkling giggle that caused my skin to crawl.
“In fact,” she said rather breathlessly. “If you’re in the mood now, we’ll be having some slaves drawn and quartered this very hour.” I forced a smile onto my face, and said that that would suit me nicely. I then went on:
“There are some of my crew who are not desirous of bloodsports. What else does this Sanctuary World offer?” The man stood there smiling dumbly as the woman answered laughingly:
“Well, we do tend to specialize in the rougher side of things here on Yndara, but there are a host of other diversions to capture the mind and spirit. Your crew should beam down at once, and embrace the beauty of Yndara, the World of Glory in Pain and Suffering.” There was a sickening animal gleam in her eyes and I realized that this was not a mere woman staring back at me, this was a predator.
-Journal of Davian Corcorane, reporter for the Federation News Service-
When Captain Calhoun submitted his findings along with our own, to the Federation High Council, Starfleet Command and just about every News Agency within the Federation and without, the fallout I had initially anticipated finally came.
It began with the Rigellian Ambassador to Earth, calling a press conference with the FNS and his own planet’s news media, to admit his wrongdoing and beg forgiveness for supporting the Sanctuary Worlds. That very morning, all but thirteen Federation Member delegations left Earth, as quietly and quickly as they could.
The remaining delegations (excluding the Terran delegation) were the Tellarites; the Caitians; the Deltans; the Vulcans; the Arcadians; the Betazoids; the Risians; the Bajorans; the Cairn; the Evora and two relatively new entries to the Federation’s rolls: The Rhulhänii and the Romulans.
Though it had been laid bare that the Sanctuary Worlds long had Romulan support, almost all of those who had lent that support had perished in the destruction of Romulus eleven years before. And it had been proven that none of the current leaders either on New Romulus or in the Romulan Delegation had been connected to the Sanctuary Worlds.
Therefore these would be the powers who gathered together in the cavernously empty Federation Council Hall and decided the fate of over 200 worlds…
The Council of Twelve became the centre of a reborn and purged Federation. Under the Leadership of Tha’ar Demys of Rhulh and new, guaranteed clean representatives from the Member Worlds, the Federation stood once more poised to move into the next century with grace and strength.
Though still wounded…she was FAR from defeated.
Though it had been laid bare that the Sanctuary Worlds long had Romulan support, almost all of those who had lent that support had perished in the destruction of Romulus eleven years before. And it had been proven that none of the current leaders either on New Romulus or in the Romulan Delegation had been connected to the Sanctuary Worlds.
Therefore these would be the powers who gathered together in the cavernously empty Federation Council Hall and decided the fate of over 200 worlds…
The Council of Twelve became the centre of a reborn and purged Federation. Under the Leadership of Tha’ar Demys of Rhulh and new, guaranteed clean representatives from the Member Worlds, the Federation stood once more poised to move into the next century with grace and strength.
Though still wounded…she was FAR from defeated.
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